
Catskill Apple Blossom

This painting of Apple Blossoms was commissioned by my friend Valerie. Her house is surrounded by Apple trees and this Spring her trees were over flowing with flowers. I loved the process of painting the blurry background and then adding the details of the flowers in the fore ground.  

Prints 24″ wide x 17″ high  Giclee print $140

Fall Ravine

Painting of a tiny stream in the Fall

This is one of several paintings I’ve made of a tiny brooklet that runs along a favored walking route near my house on Tom Hoag Road outside Delhi, New York.  Water, the subject of so many of my paintings, is a source of endless fascination for me. I love the challenge of capturing its movement, splashing over rocks and tree roots, pooling in little eddies, and forming patterns of frothy bubbles. To capture the movement, you must stop it for a split-second while leaving the impression that it will, inevitably, continue to rush on.  Prints 14 3/8 wide x 19″ high  Giclee print $145

Birdsong Binicle

This beautiful scene is on the Birdsong farm outside of DeLancey. The farm has been renovated into a masterpiece with vegetable and flower gardens managed by Cornell Cooperative Extension. Prints 29″ w x 17″ H Giclee print $130.

Those Dam Boys

painting of 2 boys building a dam in a brook

When we were growing up, my brothers and I spent countless hours playing in Bagley Brook, which ran through our backyard in DeLancey, New York. We delighted in the magical engineering feat of creating little rock dams that captured pools of water. The brook still beckons me, all these years later. During one visit, I was thrilled to find that children were still building dams in my little hometown brook. Times have changed, but it was a lovely gift to see that kids today are not really so different. Print 14.5″ high x 19 11/16″ wide Giclee print $135

Brotherly Love

This painting could have been called “Lean on me”. It depicts my nephews, who fought like crazy, but took it for granted they could lean on each other. Giclee print $120

Winter Water in the Catskills

I contemplated adding deer to this painting and finally decided to leave them out. Beavers had been dragging amazingly large trees down to this stream to dam it up. I haven’t been back to see how far they got. The wind was blowing and making it snow from the tree branches. Giclee  print $135

Almost Home – The Little Delaware at Bovina

Almost Home

This view stopped me in my car many times before I finally stopped to take photos for this painting.  My brother came up with the perfect title. I loved the stream but it was  the farm in the distance that drew me into the scene. Framed original $1250, Giclee print $145

Tapping Roadside’s Sentinels

A row of majestic old Maple trees lined this roadside in Delhi, NY. Growing up we collected sap and boiled it on our kitchen stove for hours. I was thrilled to see someone was still using the old metal sap buckets. Giclee print $110

 Catskill Stream

I found this very small stream traveling the dirt roads. It was dark and cool which created the perfect conditions for the moss to grow. I have tried unsuccessfully to find it again.  Print W 17″ x H 12″ Giclee print $120

Fall in Stoddard Hollow

Years after I painted this scene, I still vividly remember how it felt to sit on the bank across the road on Stoddard Hollow, not so far from my hometown of DeLancey, New York. It was a beautiful Fall day, with a light breeze and sunshine filtering through the dappled leaves, some already fallen. Nature seemed to grant me one last afternoon of intensely warm colors before the inevitable arrival of Winter’s cold. Print W 25.5″ x H 14 3/8″ Giclee print $140

Final Resting Place

I came across these old jeeps on the hill behind my house. They were resting a few feet away from an abandoned cemetery. It is one of the old family plots with a stone wall surrounding it and tombstones dating back to the 1700.s The jeeps seemed to be on guard watching over the graves. The sun was very intense and so were the shadows they created. Framed print $425, giclee print $120

Fly Fishing God

My friend Bill was giving this name by another fisherman due to his obvious talents. I was talked into going on this fishing trip to Pulaski where the salmon run up the stream in the fall to spawn. It truly was amazing to see 3 feet long fish leap out of the water right next to you. Framed original $570, giclee print $95

Poetry in Motion

There truly is an art to fly fishing. After sending several of my cast into trees and other obstacles I sat back and watched Bill show me how it’s done. Framed original $570, giclee print $95

Collin’s Dream

Collin’s Dream – This is my very special friend’s childhood farm. She grew up there working the farm with her parents and 2 sisters, milking cows, throwing hay bales and doing the kind of work seldom seen today.  Her mother still resides there maintaining the beauty of the  farm.

A portion of all proceeds will be donated to the Collin Haight memorial fund. Giclee print $95

DeLancey Porch

This house is in the little village I grew up in. It had been abandoned for several years when I did this painting.  An artist lived here that was a source for lots of stories when I was growing up. He was very prolific and his paintings and pastels are still in countless homes. I inherited a couple of them and have purchased more at local auctions. Framed print $375, Giclee print $95

Skunk Hollow Porch

For years I have driven past this porch of my way to hunting camp. The original owner must have loved this house to put so much detail into woodwork. It had to be magnificent in it’s day. It has now been purchased and renovations are under way. Framed Original  $350, Giclee print $72


The last piles of snow lingered by these buildings. The sun had bleached the red paint on the buildings and the rain rusted the roofs making a perfect painting. Giclee print $75

Oak Street, Magnolia Springs, Alabama

On visits to Alabama’s coast I was encouraged to travel to Magnolia Springs to see this famous street lined with Live Oak trees. It would be amazing to travel down this road every day, or better yet, live on this street. Of course, I had to paint it. Giclee print $90





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