Whiskey Painters of America

I have recently been admitted into the Whiskey Painters of America. Members paint using a little whiskey to dip their brushes in and create tiny paintings, no bigger than 3.5″ x 5.5″. Attached are some of my paintings. This has inspired me to create several mini paintings. This gives me the freedom to explore subjects and spend 5 to 10 hours per painting vs. 40 to 50.  Check out the Whiskey Painters of America site at https://whiskeypainters.org/

Painting of a barn on Bell Hill Rd

The origin of this unique group began in the late 1950’s in Akron, Ohio with a small group of professional artists belonging to the Akron Society of Artists. The founder, Joe Ferriot was an artist, and the owner of a Plastics Company. He often painted while traveling for his firm, so he designed a pocket-sized palette out of an aspirin box, to hold his paint and created screw-together brushes to fit inside this small box. It all fit neatly into his shirt pocket.



painting of 3 barns

painting of apple blossomsAfter business hours were completed, Joe would retire to the nearest “Watering Hole” for relaxation and friendly imbibing. He pulled out his small painting kit, and to the delight of the bartenders and patrons he painted miniature masterpieces by dipping his brush into his glass of booze, which then he would give away……Needless to say, he was an instant celebrity, making many new friends. His mini paintings, which he dubbed “Whiskey Paintings”, became highly sought-after commodities and he and rarely ever had to buy a drink!!

He encouraged his fellow artists to do likewise when they got together for a libation after their regular get togethers. After they finished their paintings, they would put them all into a hat and then retrieve one, thus, having a great time and going home with a fellow artist’s painting. Joe had his factory design and produce mini palettes which he then distributed to his friends. Many of the artists still have those original palettes and use them today!

One foggy night in 1962 at the Tangier Night Club in Akron, Ohio, 11 members met, formed a charter with by-laws, governing rules, elected Joe as president, and “The Whiskey Painters of America” was born.